Introducing the Belimo Energy Valve, a flow meter and a pressure independent characterised control valve in one unit.
Save money with the Belimo Energy Valve you can meter energy usage and monitor and control flow rates, making it much easier to reduce energy costs.
It costs an enormous amount of money to control and monitor the temperature in every large building, school, hospital, college and office block and with metering now becoming part of the controls package it makes sense to ‘control’ first and ‘meter’ later.
If you control your buildings heating and energy usage first, rather than purchase and install meters at day one, just to read the usage and wastage you will potentially make major savings. Why choose just a heat meter when the Belimo Energy Valve allows you to make changes to water flow, reducing pump power and widen the Delta T of a circuit resulting in energy cost savings and of course you can still use it to monitor energy usage.
You know your building, you know what is used for, when it is occupied, what times it needs to be warm, what time it needs to be cool, when to heat it and when not to heat it. A meter won’t improve your knowledge it will only confirm what you already know.
An efficient Building Management Control System will allow you to take control of your buildings energy usage reducing your buildings operating costs, the Belimo Energy Valve can help you achieve this.